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Top 10 Places to Visit in Graz, Austria

The second largest city of Austria, Graz is a beautiful and rather unrecognized city in the heart of Central Europe. Waking up to Baroque styled buildings, walking on the tiny street, discovering courtyards which are hidden inside these buildings, Graz is magical. It also has great museums, concert venues, music, and an amazing and rapidly growing food culture that is perfect for travelers.

Using this list we will be presenting 10 must-see attractions of Graz that will explain why this city is worth visiting. The city of Graz: local spicy tastations and world UNESCO sightseeing.

1. Hauptplatz

A Historic Centerpiece

Hauptplatz is the main open space in Graz, organized in the gothic period of the 14th century. Throughout centuries, this area has been the core of the city, with beautiful architectures and active economic sectors, such as fashion and luxurious goods’ shops.

Notable Monuments

Among the attractions of Hauptplatz is the Fountain of Neptune by the Italian sculptor Bartolomeo di Queirolo which dates back to the 17th century. Another major part of the city is the Rathaus building which is considered the city hall that houses the city council.

Annual Events

This is true especially during the Christmas event which is a market where many food, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverage and craft stations are made. Also, Hauptplatz always provides entertainment by different types of cultural events and availability of open-air displays.

2. Kunsthaus Graz

Modern Art Marvel

The museum of contemporary art, also famously known as Kunsthaus Graz, is among the best places to visit if in Graz. This unusual and modern architectural construction by Peter Cook and Colin Fournier is situated in the central part of the city.

Exhibitions and Installations

The main function of this museum is to showcase collections of contemporary and modern art as well as pieces of art created by artists from different parts of the world. It also has hands-on exhibits and new exhibits that are officially unveiled from time to time. Furthermore, on the roof, there is a possibility to arrange a terrace that offers a beautiful view of the city.

Practical Information

It should be noted that the opening hours also depend on the season, therefore, referring to the schedule on the official page of Kunsthaus Graz is recommended. Admission prices also differ and persons with student ID and senior citizens do get some discount.

3. Eggenberg Castle

Baroque Beauty

The Eggenberg Castle is a true symbol of the baroque age constructed in the 17th Century by Hans Ulrich von Eggenberg, a key advisor to the Emperor Ferdinand II. The castle became a repository for the most valuable exhibits of the historical and art museum, including furniture, painting, sculpture, and other things of the Baroque style.

Gardens and Tours

The castle is surrounded by several very beautiful gardens and fountains so it is a perfect place for a walk and to appreciate nature. The visitors can see the castle themselves or take a tour and hear more about all of the features of the castle. Interestingly, the Observation Tower provides a vantage point to view the whole city.

4. Murinsel

Floating Island

Murinsel, a bridge on the Mur river constructed for the European Cultural Capital of the year 2003 in Graz, was designed by the Swiss Architect Vito Acconci. This building is rather new and introduces a theatre and a café, which is also a tourist attraction.

Construction and Opening

It took approximately two years to build the float and it was formally launched by the then President of Austria, Thomas Klestil. Today it is still a rather special and quite peculiar sight to visit in Graz.

5. Schlossberg Hill

Scenic Views

Schlossberg, with a height of 123 meters, provides vantage views of the entire city, the Mur River, and the Alps. It carries the impressive castle structure of the 15th century and a renovated clock tower at the moment.

Activities and Accessibility

The Schlossberg Hill is an excellent place to have a picnic, for a stroll or just admire the view of the city. There are also many restaurants and cafes at the top of the hill; tourists can eat or drink with a beautiful view. From the city center, there is a funicular or, depending on fitness level, one has to climb up by steps along the side of the hill.

6. Uhrturm

Iconic Clock Tower

The Uhrturm, which is in Schlossberg Hill, is probably one of the most significant listed buildings that attracts many tourists in Graz. This clock tower, built in the 16th century, reaches a height of 28 meters and was refurbished in 1712 after being burnt down. Its structure has a Rococo dome and the clock it houses is a 3.5-meter diameter dial.

Historical Exhibition

Tourists can go atop the tower for a bird’s-eye view of Graz and there is an exhibition all about the history of the tower clock with other things concerning life in Graz. Entry to the tower is free but there is a charge for visiting the exhibition.

7. Cathedral of Saint Giles

Gothic Grandeur

Graz boasts one of the oldest written records of a church, dating from the 15th century. Special interest is worth appreciating the beauty of the Cathedral of Saint Giles. The beautiful structure of the building is in the gothic style, however, internal decoration is in the baroque style.

Art and Architecture

Inside the church, you can see the sculpture of the Virgin Mary with the Child Jesus, and the baroque organ. People can also ascend the tower of the church and one can be able to get a glimpse of the city of Graz. History and fans of religious architecture should definitely not miss the cathedral.

8. Mausoleum of Emperor Ferdinand II and His Wife

Artistic Interior

It is in baroque style in which the building has a white marble outside face with gilded bronze icons. Here you can also see baroque frescoes and altars. Inside the building, there are many pieces of artworks. The mausoleum is in the city cemetery and people can book a guided tour and visit the place.

Visiting Information

Opening times also depend on the season, it is advised to check the exact time to get a sight of the place. Actually, one cannot take a photo of the building’s interior in any way.

9. Landhaus

Renaissance Splendor

Landhaus, built in the 16th century, is the Styrian Regional Parliament with an art gallery section. This assured Renaissance styling and the building’s façade has Plateresque style décor.

Guided Tours

It can be visited inside as well as make a tour seeing the inside of the Parliament Session Hall and some modern art galleries. To understand more about Graz and its heritage, Landhaus is a must-visit place.

10. Graz Opera House

Neo-Baroque Beauty

The main building of the Graz Opera House is an austere neo-Baroque structure of architecture placed at the city center. Initially constructed over 120 years ago by the famous Austrian architect August von Siccardsburg, it is a theater with an interesting past.

Rich History and Performances

Building of the Graz Opera House was carried out in early 1899 and it was inaugurated in early 1900. Since then, the theater has been liberal for lovers of opera and classical music where there are available different shows and production. As a large hall with a seating capacity of more than 1,200 people, it stages opera, operetta, ballet and classical and contemporary music productions.

Prime Location

It is also built in Graz’s central city; the proximity to some of Graz’s best spots including the Market Square and the Graz Cathedral. Thus, it makes it a resourceful and a joyful point to visit on any tour around the city.

Exploring Graz: It is More Than Just the Sights

Graz is one of those cities that seem to be oozing history and culture with modern installations thrown into the mix. Beside monuments, the city offers walking, animated food, markets, and people’s friendly spirit.

Culinary Delights

As for active cuisine lovers, Graz boasts various gastronomic offers. The Lendplatz farmers market in the local area has a great selection of fresh food and fruits direct from the growers. Here it is possible to try the local cuisine and cheerful atmosphere.

Cultural Experiences

Besides being a center of gravity for business and administration, Graz has the status of one of the most significant cultural centers in Austria and contains several UNESCO-listed sites and cultural facilities. From the ancient architecture to live music and music performances to the numerous museums throughout the city, there is always something to observe and/or engage in.

Hidden Gems

Make sure to look for the many internal gardens that are interlaced within the city of Graz. These hidden places give certain views into the past and present of the city, giving one a chance to take a break from overcrowded and noisy streets.


The Austrian city of Graz is full of historical sights and young adventurous atmosphere making it a city that is definitely worth visiting. A visit to Austria and specifically Graz enables a visitor to visit and have an experience with such famous places as the Hauptplatz and Kunsthaus Graz followed by the natural grace of Schlossberg Hill as well as the marvelous architectural design of the Graz Opera House. Graz has something for history lovers, art lovers, food lovers, and many other attractions. Therefore, pull on your travel shoes and get set to learn more about Austria’s versatile diamonds for the next time you are on a trip across this Central European state.

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