Sarkoob movie poster



The film Sarkoob (سرکوب) full movie is a film directed and written by Reza Goran and produced by Habib Ismaili has been created in the social genre. The film deals with the problem of physical and sexual harassment. The film also made it to the Asia-Pacific Film Awards and was prepared for the 1997 Fajr Film Festival, but did not make it. Sarkoob is Reza Goran’s first experience in directing in the field of cinema, but famous actors have acted in this film. The main actors of this film are Baran Kowsari, Elham Korda, Sara Bahrami, Ahmadieh Campus and Roya Afshar. Storytelling is a family affair. She is the mother of an Alzheimer’s family and is cared for by a nurse. The father of the family disappears one morning. After a long time, the three sisters gather at their father’s house

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